Potential pollution from Steel Installations in the Shinsung Coal Mine, South Korea – 대한민국 (석공)신성탄광 철강 설비로 인한 잠재적 오염
Execution of a mine water tracer test in the Blesbokspruit, Ramsar wetland
Planning and execution of a tracer test in Saarland, Germany for RAG AG
Planning and construction of a passive mine water treatment plant for RAG AG at the Duhamel/Sarland site (Germany)
Assessment of the passive mine water treatment schemes “Edeltraut Erbstollen” and “Stollen Geduld”
Architecture competition together with the architectural office auda Berlin on the redevelopment of mining legacies in Shangdon Park, China | HONOURABLE MENTION
Representative population survey for three former German hard coal mining areas on the perception of mine water
Forum Bergbau und Wasser (Expert Group for Mine Water Flooding)
Intelligent Mine Water Management
Compilation of f handbook „Mine water treatment – Methods”
Mine Water Management and Remediation of the 1B Hydraulic System (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Water Analysis and CO2-problems at the München-Riem Geothermal Plant
Hydrogeologisches Gutachten zur Betriebserlaubnis der NATO-Pipeline Lands-berg – Unterpfaffenhofen
NanoPorO — Nanostruktur und Benetzungseigenschaften von Sedimentkorn- und Porenraumoberflächen
MonKü — Monitoring von Kühlwasserversickerungen bei tiefen Geothermieanlagen am Beispiel Unterhaching
Literature Review about Acid Mine Drainage
Prozessstellungnahmen Bergbau Goslar | Rammelsberg
Beurteilung der hydrogeologischen Situation auf der Liegenschaft „Argirov Klinik Starnberger See“
Hydrogeologisches Gutachten zu den Betriebserlaubnissen der NATO-Pipelines Aalen – Neuburg und Leipheim – Unterpfaffenhofen
Begutachtung von Schäden an einer Prüfplatte
COSAGS – Carbon dioxide elimination by using acid mine lakes and calcium oxide suspensions
SCCO₂ – Machbarkeitsuntersuchung über den Einsatz von Hot Dry Rock Geothermie zur Elektrizitätserzeugung mit Hilfe von superkritischem CO₂
CDEAL – Carbon Dioxide Elimination by using Acid Mine Lakes and Calcium Oxide Suspensions
Verbringungsmöglichkeiten von Schlämmen einer Grubenwasseraufbereitungsanlage in ein geflutetes Grubengebäude
GIN.NET – Geoscience Information Network (II. Ausschreibung Stufe 2: „Leistungszentren für Forschungsinformation“)
Development and construction of a historical mining path
TracePasS – Tracer Tests in Passive Mine Water Treatment Systems
Multitracertest at the Tiefer Sauberger Adit, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Erzgebirge
ERMITE – Environmental Regulation of Mine Waters in the European Union (Vertragsnummer EVK1-CT-2000-00078)
PIRAMID – Passive in-situ Remidiation of Acid Mine/Industrial Drainage (Vertragsnummer EVK1-CT-1999-00021)
Ground Water Recharge and Modelling of the hydrogeological and hydrogeo-chemical Situation within the Historical National Park Troia/Turkey
Planning of a Constructed Wetland for the Mine Water Treatment Plant Gernrode/Harz
Multi Tracer Test Straßberg Harz (2nd Trial)
Hydrogeochemical development of uranium concentrations in the mine waters of the uranium mine Žirovski vrh/Slovenia
German legislation regarding mine water drainage within the European legislative framework
Hydrogeochemical Investigations at the former Schwaz Silver Mine, Austria
Geological mapping and mining archaeological investigations in the Montafon, Austria (Bartholomäberg and Silberthal)
Multi Tracer Test Straßberg Harz, Germany
Reduction of pollutants by prediction and control (Post-Doc Projekt)
Planning of a Drinking Water Treatment Plant
Soil Mechanical Investigations for a Waldrich Coburg PMC 5000
Environmental Assessment and Working Plan for a Gravel Open Pit (§ 64 SächsBO)
Soil Mechanical Investigations for an Animal Tunnel under the Road Tröbigau – Putzkau
Soil Mechanical Investigations for a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Soil Mechanical Investigations and possibilities for Precipitation Infiltration
Soil mechnical investigations to investigate Damages and Environmental Pollution at the Railway line Görlitz – Dresden including LAGA-Investigation
Evaluation of potential Building Damages in Relation to an Open Pit Mining Site; Evaluation of Dewatering Scheme
Environmental Assessment and Working Plan for a Gravel Open Pit
Soil mechnical investigations to investigate Damages and Environmental Pollution at the Railway line Zeithain – Elsterwerda including LAGA-Investigation
Hydrogeological Investigations about potential Precipitation Infiltration
Evaluation of Building Damages in Relation to an Open Pit Mining Site
Geological Mapping at Motorway A40
Hydrogeological Expert Reports, Soil Mechanical Investigations, Environmental Assessments
Hydrogeological Expert Report
Monitoring of flooding process, hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic investigations in a flooded Uranium Mine
Soil mechanical investigations for Motorway A20
Building site investigation
Slope Stability Investigations and Stress Measurements at Jung Quarry including Recultivation and Mining Plan
Flooding of the abandoned Uranium Mine Niederschlema/Alberoda, Germany
Geochemical Investigations in an abandoned Uranium mine
Development of a mine water tracer test
Mapping in Commune Brønnøy, Norway
Geological Investigations for a Rubbish Tip Planning
Consulting Work for Rubbish Tip Planing
Core Logging
Different Environmental Projects; Oil Contamination; Petrol Stations 1990
Mapping in the western Mieminger Mountains, Tyrol, Austria