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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Adam, K. Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites 2003 Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report 18 25-35 details   openurl
Anonymous Red menace -- Alumina waste products neutralised – As a result of the standard aluminium extraction process, a large amount of of highly alkaline 'red mud' is produced, containing various minerals left over from the bauxite, and this must be disposed of safely, treated or stored. Using a partial-neutralising process involving sea water, Virotec has developed an environmentally responsible process that turns the mud into a mild alkali that is very good at neutralising acid in, for example, acid mine waste 2003 Materials world 11 22-25 details   openurl
Banks, S.B. The UK coal authority minewater-treatment scheme programme: Performance of operational systems 2003 Jciwem 17 117-122 details   url
Banks, S.B. The Coal Authority Minewater Treatment Programme: An update on the performance of operational schemes 2003 Land Contam. Reclam. 11 161-164 details   openurl
Beaulieu, S. Application des techniques de bioactivation et de bioaugmentation pour le traitement en conditions sulfato-réductrices des eaux de drainage minier acide 2003 details   openurl
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