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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Angelos, M.A.F. Rehabilitation options for a Finnish copper mine 2000 International Conference on Practical Applications in Environmental Geotechnology Ecogeo 2000 204 207-214 details   url
Aube, B.C. Molybdenum treatment at Brenda Mines 2000 ICARD 2000, Vols I and II, Proceedings 1113-1119 details   url
Bernoth, L.; Firth, I.; McAllister, P.; Rhodes, S. Biotechnologies for Remediation and Pollution Control in the Mining Industry 2000 Miner. Metall. Process. 17 105-111 details   openurl
Blowes, D.W.; Ptacek, C.J.; Benner, S.G.; McRae, C.W.T.; Bennett, T.A.; Puls, R.W. Treatment of inorganic contaminants using permeable reactive barriers 2000 J Contam Hydrol 45 123-137 details   url
Bowell, R.J. Sulphate and salt minerals; the problem of treating mine waste 2000 Mining Environmental Management 8 11-13 details   openurl
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