Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Al-Abed, S.; Allen, D.; Bates, E.; Reisman, D. |
Lime treatment lagoons technology for treating acid mine drainage from two mining sites |
2002 |
Arango, I. |
Evaluation of the beneficial effects of the acidophilic alga Euglena mutabilis on acid mine drainage systems |
2002 |
Barton, C.D.; Karathanasis, A.D. |
Aerobic and anaerobic metal attenuation processes in a constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage |
1997 |
AAPG Eastern Section and the Society for Organic Petrology joint meeting; abstracts |
1545 |
Blowes, D.W.; Ptacek, C.J.; Benner, S.G.; McRae, C.W.T.; Puls, R.W. |
Treatment of dissolved metals using permeable reactive barriers |
1998 |
Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection |
483-490 |
Bowell, R.J. |
Sulphate and salt minerals; the problem of treating mine waste |
2000 |
Mining Environmental Management |
8 |
11-13 |