Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Adam, K. |
Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites |
2003 |
Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report |
18 |
25-35 |
Arnekleiv, J.V.; Storset, L. |
Downstream effects of mine drainage on benthos and fish in a Norwegian river; a comparison of the situation before and after river rehabilitation |
1995 |
Heavy metal aspects of mining pollution and its remediation |
52 |
35-43 |
Banks, S.B.; Banks, D. |
Abandoned mines drainage; impact assessment and mitigation of discharges from coal mines in the UK |
2001 |
Geoenvironmental engineering Engineering Geology |
31-37 |
Bolzicco, J.; Carrera, J.; Ayora, C. |
Eficiencia de la barrera permeable reactiva de Aznalcollar (Sevilla, Espana) como remedio de aguas acidas de mina. Reactive permeable disposal barrier at Aznalcollar Mine, Seville, Spain; as remediation for acid mine drainage |
2004 |
Revista Latino-Americana de Hidrogeologia |
4 |
27-34 |
Boonstra, J.; van Lier, R.; Janssen, G.; Dijkman, H.; Buisman, C.J.N. |
Biological treatment of acid mine drainage |
1999 |
Process Metallurgy, vol.9, Part B |
559-567 |