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Johnson, D.B.; Hallberg, K.B. Acid mine drainage remediation options: a review 2005 Science of the Total Environment 338 3-14 details   url
Whitehead, P.G. Bioremediation of acid mine drainage: an introduction to the Wheal Jane wetlands project 2005 Science of the Total Environment 338 15-21 details   url
Younger, P.L.; Neal, C.; House, W.A.; Leeks, G.J.L.; Marker, A.H. The longevity of minewater pollution; a basis for decision-making U.K. fluxes to the North Sea; Land Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS); river basins research, the first two years 1997 The Science of the Total Environment 194-195 457-466 details   openurl
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