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Aytas, S. O., Akyil, S., Aslani, M. A. A., & Aytekin, U. (1999). Removal of uranium from aqueous solutions by diatomite (Kieselguhr). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 240(3), 973–976.
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Benkovics, I., Csicsák, J., Csövári, M., Lendvai, Z., & Molnár, J. (1997). Mine Water Treatment – Anion-exchange and Membrane Process. Proceedings, 6th International Mine Water Association Congress, Bled, Slovenia, 1, 149–157.
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Berg, G. J., & Arthur, B. (1999). Proposed mine water treatment in Wisconsin. In D. Goldsack, N. Belzile, P. Yearwood, & G. J. Hall (Eds.), Sudbury '99; mining and the environment II; Conference proceedings. Sudbury: Sudbury Environmental.
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Brunet, J. - F. (2000). Drainages miniers acides; contraintes et remedes; etat des connaissances--Acid mine drainage; problems and remediation techniques; state of the art. Principaux Resultats Scientifiques – Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, 1999/2000, 97–98.
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Curi, A. C., Granda, W. J. V., Lima, H. M., & Sousa, W. T. (2006). Zeolites and their application in the decontamination of mine waste water. Informacion Tecnologica, 17(6), 111–118.
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