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Arnekleiv, J. V., & Storset, L. (1995). Downstream effects of mine drainage on benthos and fish in a Norwegian river; a comparison of the situation before and after river rehabilitation. Heavy metal aspects of mining pollution and its remediation, 52, 35–43.
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Bloom, N. S., Preus, E., Kilner, P. I., von der Geest, E., & Hensman, C. E. (2002). Very efficient removal of toxic metals from acid mine drainage water (Berkeley Pit, Montana) with a recycled alkaline industrial waste product Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry..
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Eger, P., Melchert, G., Antonson, D., & Wagner, J. (1993). Magnesium hydroxide as a treatment for acid mine drainage in northern Minnesota. In B. A. Zamora, & R. E. Connolly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual National Meeting – American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, vol.10 (pp. 204–217). The challenge of integrating diverse perspectives in reclamation.
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