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Adam, K. (2003). Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites. Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report, 18(4), 25–35.
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Berthelot, D., & Haggis, M. (1999). Application of remote monitoring and data management systems to environmental management of tailings facilities. In D. Goldsack, N. Belzile, P. Yearwood, & G. Hall (Eds.), Sudbury '99; Mining and the environment II; conference proceedings.
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Blowes, D. W., Bain, J. G., Smyth, D. J., Ptacek, C. J., Jambor, J. L., Blowes, D. W., et al. (2003). Treatment of mine drainage using permeable reactive materials. Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes, 31, 361–376.
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Kuyucak, N. (2001). Acid mine drainage; treatment options for mining effluents. Mining Environmental Management, 9(2), 12–15.
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