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The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick 2002 2002-3 138 details   openurl
Entrena, A.L.; Serrano, J.R.; Villoria, A. Descontaminacion de aguas de mina con recuperacion de los metales contenidos en ellas. Decontamination of mine waters by recovering the metals contained within them VIII congreso internacional de Mineria y metalurgia; tomo 8. VIII international conference on Mining and metallurgy; Volume 8 1988 Congreso Internacional de Mineria y Metalurgia, vol.8 156-173 details   openurl
Mitchell, P.; Wheaton, A. From environmental burden to natural resource; new reagents for cost-effective treatment of, and metal recovery from, acid rock drainage 1999 Sudbury '99; Mining and the environment II; Conference proceedings details   isbn
Okuda, T.; Ema, S.; Ishizaki, C.; Fujimoto, J. Mine drainage treatment and ferrite sludge application 1991 NEC Technical Journal 44 4-16 details   openurl
Scharp, R.A.; Kawahara, F.; Burckle, J.; Allan, J.; Govind, R. Recovery of metals from acid mine drainage Hardrock mining 2002; issues shaping the industry 2002 details   openurl
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