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Benner, S.G.; Blowes, D.W.; Ptacek, C.J. A full-scale porous reactive wall for prevention of acid mine drainage 1997 Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 17 99-107 details   url
Cravotta, C.A., III; Watzlaf, G.R.; Naftz, D.L.; Morrison, S.J.; Fuller, C.C.; Davis, J.A. Design and performance of limestone drains to increase pH and remove metals from acidic mine drainage Handbook of groundwater remediation using permeable reactive barriers; applications to radionuclides, trace metals, and nutrients 2002 details   url
Eger, P.; Melchert, G.; Antonson, D.; Wagner, J. Magnesium hydroxide as a treatment for acid mine drainage in northern Minnesota 1993 Proceedings of the Annual National Meeting – American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, vol.10 204-217 details   openurl
Gale, J.E.; MacLeod, R.; Bursey, G. The role of hydrogeology in developing effective mine water control programs in fractured porous rocks Resources development and Earth science; environmental and economic issues (Abstract) 1999 Atlantic Geology 172 details   url
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