(1998). 'Green' company offers desalination technology. Water Sewage and Effluent, 18(4), 9–11.
Abstract: Water and wastewater treatment activities, projects and capabilities of South African environmental engineering specialist Envig are detailed. The company, as part of the Weir Wesgarth Consortium, has pre-qualified for the major Namibian Water Supply Project, one of the largest of its kind to date in southern Africa. This project involves the desalination of seawater to meet increasing water demand and shortfalls. Envig, if awarded the contract, would be involved in construction of three or four reverse osmosis or mechanical vapour compression sea water desalination plants and associated infrastructure. The company is also involved in a mine water desalination project at the Eskom Tutuka Power Station. A reverse osmosis plant using low fouling maintenance is being installed to deal with acid mine drainage water. Details of the design and operation of this plant are given.
(2002). The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick (Vol. 2002-3).
Adam, K. (2003). Solid wastes management in sulphide mines: From waste characterisation to safe closure of disposal sites. Minerals and Energy Raw Materials Report, 18(4), 25–35.
Abstract: Environmentally compatible Waste Management schemes employed by the European extractive industry for the development of new projects, and applied in operating sulphide mines, are presented in this study. Standard methodologies used to assess the geotechnical and geochemical properties of the solid wastes stemming from mining and processing of sulphidic metal ores are firstly given. Based on waste properties, the measures applied to ensure the environmentally safe recycling and disposal of sulphidic wastes are summarised. Emphasis is given on the novel techniques developed to effectively prevent and mitigate the acid drainage phenomenon from sulphidic mine wastes and tailings. Remediation measures taken to minimise the impact from waste disposal sites in the post-closure period are described.
Agency, U. S. E. P. (2006). Compost-free bioreactor treatment of acid rock drainage Leviathan Mine, California : innovative technology evaluation report, 2. Cincinnati, OH.: Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Ahmed, S. M. (1994). Surface chemical methods of forming hardpan in pyrrhotite tailings and prevention of the acid mine drainage.