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Davies, G. J., Holmes, M., Wireman, M., King, K., Gertson, J. N., & Stefanic, J. M. (2001). Water tracing at scales of hours to decades as an aid to estimating hydraulic characteristics of the Leadville Mine drainage tunnel.
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Dumpleton, S. (1998). Mitigation of minewater pollution; the need for research, monitoring and prevention. Earthwise (Keyworth), 12, 12–13.
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Dutcher, R. R., Jones, E. B., Lovell, H. L., Parizek, R., & Stefanko, R. (1966). Mine drainage; Part 1, Abatement, disposal, treatment. Mineral Industries (University Park), 36(3), 1–7.
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Holmes, J., & Schmidt, K. (1972). Ion exchange treatment of acid mine drainage.
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Peterson, D. E., & Kindley, M. J. (1994). The Golden Cross Mine water management system. New Zealand Mining, 14, 15–21.
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