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(2002). The BioSulphide Process to treat acid mine drainage and Anaconda tailings at Caribou Mine, New Brunswick (Vol. 2002-3).
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Al-Abed, S., Allen, D., Bates, E., & Reisman, D. (2002). Lime treatment lagoons technology for treating acid mine drainage from two mining sites.
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Amacher, M. C., Brown, R. W., Kotuby-Amacher, J., & Willis, A. (1993). Adding sodium hydroxide to study metal removal in a stream affected by acid mine drainage. Research Paper, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 465(17).
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Arnekleiv, J. V., & Storset, L. (1995). Downstream effects of mine drainage on benthos and fish in a Norwegian river; a comparison of the situation before and after river rehabilitation. Heavy metal aspects of mining pollution and its remediation, 52, 35–43.
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Ayala, J., & Fernández, B. (2005). (J. Loredo, & F. Pendás, Eds.). Mine Water 2005 – Mine Closure. Oviedo: University of Oviedo.
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