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Dunn, J., Russell, C., & Morrissey, A. (1999). Remediating historic mine sites in Colorado. Min. Eng., 51(8), 32–35.
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Lushnikova, O. Y. (1996). Kompleksirovaniye metodov tamponazha i biolokatsii dlya zashchity podzemnykh vod ot zagryazneniya i istoshcheniya. Combined methods of grouting and biolocation for protection of ground water from pollution and depletion. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Gornyy Zhurnal, 1996(12), 49–52.
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Reisinger, R. W., & Gusek, J. (1999). Mitigation of water contamination at the historic Ferris-Haggarty Mine, Wyoming. Min. Eng., 51(8), 49–53.
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Sanders, F., Rahe, J., Pastor, D., & Anderson, R. (1999). Wetlands treat mine runoff. Civil Engineering, 69(1), 53–55.
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