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Ahmed, S.M. Surface chemical methods of forming hardpan in pyrrhotite tailings and prevention of the acid mine drainage 1994 details   openurl
Ashby, J.C. Injecting alkaline lime sludge and FGD material into underground mines for acid abatement 2001 details   openurl
Bolzicco, J.; Carrera, J.; Ayora, C. Eficiencia de la barrera permeable reactiva de Aznalcollar (Sevilla, Espana) como remedio de aguas acidas de mina. Reactive permeable disposal barrier at Aznalcollar Mine, Seville, Spain; as remediation for acid mine drainage 2004 Revista Latino-Americana de Hidrogeologia 4 27-34 details   openurl
Brown, M.; Barley, B.; Wood, H. 2002 details   isbn
Burnett, M.; Skousen, J.G.; Skousen, J.G.; Ziemkiewicz, P.F. Injection of limestone into underground mines for AMD control 1996 Acid mine drainage control and treatment details   openurl
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