Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Bauroth, M.; Hähne, R.; Wolf, J. |
Erfahrungen bei der Dekontamination saurer Wässer des Uranbergbaus mittels Einbindung in Kraftwerksaschen. Decontamination of acit water from uranium mining by ash filtration method |
1991 |
Neue Bergbautechnik |
420-422 |
Cravotta, C.A., III; Watzlaf, G.R.; Naftz, D.L.; Morrison, S.J.; Fuller, C.C.; Davis, J.A. |
Design and performance of limestone drains to increase pH and remove metals from acidic mine drainage Handbook of groundwater remediation using permeable reactive barriers; applications to radionuclides, trace metals, and nutrients |
2002 |
Hayward, D.; Barnard, R. |
Treatment of acid mine wastewaters. Behandlung saurer Grubenwässer |
1993 |
World Mining Equipment |
17 |
36-37 |
Kepler, D.A.; Mc Cleary, E.C. |
Successive Alkalinity-Producing Systems (SAPS) for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage |
1994 |
Proceedings, International Land Reclamation and Mine Drainage Conference |
1 |
195-204 |
Simmons, J.A.; Andrew, T.; Arnold, A.; Bee, N.; Bennett, J.; Grundman, M.; Johnson, K.; Shepherd, R. |
Small-Scale Chemical Changes Caused by In-stream Limestone Sand Additions to Streams |
2006 |
Mine Water Env. |
25 |
241-245 |