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Cravotta, C.A., III; Trahan, M.K. Limestone drains to increase pH and remove dissolved metals from acidic mine drainage 1999 Appl. Geochem. 14 581-606 details   url
Cravotta, C.A., III; Watzlaf, G.R.; Naftz, D.L.; Morrison, S.J.; Fuller, C.C.; Davis, J.A. Design and performance of limestone drains to increase pH and remove metals from acidic mine drainage Handbook of groundwater remediation using permeable reactive barriers; applications to radionuclides, trace metals, and nutrients 2002 details   url
Robbins, E.I.; Cravotta, C.A.; Savela, C.E.; Nord, G.L. Hydrobiogeochemical Interactions in 'anoxic' Limestone Drains for Neutralization of Acidic Mine Drainage 1999 Fuel 78 259-270 details   openurl
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