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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Bochkarev, G.R.; Beloborodov, A.V.; Kondrat'ev, S.A.; Pushkareva, G.I. Intensification of Aeration in treating Natural-Water and Mine Water 1994 J. Min. Sci. 30 5
Bolzicco, J.; Carrera, J.; Ayora, C. Eficiencia de la barrera permeable reactiva de Aznalcollar (Sevilla, Espana) como remedio de aguas acidas de mina. Reactive permeable disposal barrier at Aznalcollar Mine, Seville, Spain; as remediation for acid mine drainage 2004 Revista Latino-Americana de Hidrogeologia 4 27-34
Boonstra, J. Biological treatment of acid mine drainage 1999 Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment toward the Mining of the 21st Century, Pt B 1999 9 559-567
Bosman, D.J. Lime Treatment Of Acid-Mine Water And Associated Solids Liquid Separation 1983 Water Sci. Technol. 15 71-84
Botha, G.R.; Sanderson, R.D.; Buckley, C.A. Brief Historical Review of Membrane-development and Membrane Applications in Waste-water Treatment in Southern Africa 1992 Water Sci. Technol. 25 1-4