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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Chironis, N.P. Mine-built ponds economically clear acid mine waters 1987 Coal Age 58-61
Curi, A.C.; Granda, W.J.V.; Lima, H.M.; Sousa, W.T. Zeolites and their application in the decontamination of mine waste water 2006 Informacion Tecnologica 17 111-118
Godard, M. Principes d'exhaure et de traitement des eaux chargees aux houilleres du bassin de Lorraine. Darstellung der Verfahren zur Wasserhaltung und zur Wasseraufbereitung in den Steinkohlengruben des Lothringer Beckens. Draining principles and treatment of water used in the Lorraine mining basin 1997 Mines et Carrieres 42-45
Hause, D.R.; Willison, L.R. Deep Mine Abandonment Sealing and Underground Treatment to Prelude Acid Mine Drainage 1986
Janiak, H. Mine drainage treatment in Polish lignite mining 1992 Mine Water Env. 11 35-44