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Mosher, J. (1994). Heavy-metal sludges as smelter feedstock. Engineering and Mining Journal, 195(9), 25–30.
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Mustikkamaki, U. - P. (2000). Metallipitoisten vesien biologisesta kasittelysta Outokummun kaivoksilla. Metal content treated with biological methods at the Outokummun operation. Vuoriteollisuus = Bergshanteringen, 58(1), 44–47.
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Nairn, R. W., Griffin, B. C., Strong, J. D., & Hatley, E. L. (2001). Remediation challenges and opportunities at the Tar Creek Superfund Site, Oklahoma. In R. Vincent, J. A. Burger, G. G. Marino, G. A. Olyphant, S. C. Wessman, R. G. Darmody, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual National Meeting – American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, vol.18 (pp. 579–584).
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Niyogi, D. K., McKnight, D. M., Lewis, W. M., Jr., & Kimball, B. A. (1999). Experimental diversion of acid mine drainage and the effects on a headwater stream. Water-Resources Investigations Report, Wri 99-4018-A, 123–130.
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Palmer, J. P. (1990). Reclamation and Decontamination of Metalliferous Mining Tailings. Int. J. Mine Water, 9(1-4), 223–235.
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