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Sottnik, P., & Sucha, V. (2001). Moznosti upravy kysleho banskeho vytoku loziska Banska Stiavnica-Sobov. Remediation of acid mine drainage from Sobov Mine, Banska Stiavnica. Mineralia Slovaca, 33(1), 53–60.
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Willscher, S. (2001). Loesungsansaetze zur Minderung der Umweltbelastung durch saure Grubenwaesser; I, Massnahmen zu deren Minimierung und Verfahren der aktiven Behandlung. Approaches for reducing environmental pollution by acid mine drainage; I, Mitigation measures and methods for active remediation. Vom Wasser, 97, 145–166.
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Ye, Z. H. (2001). Removal and distribution of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel within a Pennsylvania constructed wetland treating coal combustion by-product leachate. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30(4), 1464–1473.
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Ye, Z. H., Whiting, S. N., Qian, J. H., Lytle, C. M., Lin, Z. Q., & Terry, N. (2001). Trace element removal from coal ash leachate by a 10-year-old constructed wetland. J. Environ. Qual., 30(5), 1710–1719.
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Younger, P. L., & Banwart, S. A. (2001). Time-scale issues in the remediation of pervasively contaminated groundwaters at abandoned mines sites. Sheffield: Preprints volume Conference 'Groundwater Quality 2001' (Third International Conference on Groundwater Quality, International Association of Hydrological Sciences).
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