Due to the transformation process and the earth’s curvation, the coordinate calculator must only be used within specific coordinates. Outside those coordinates the accuracy of the transformation is lost.
System | min easting | max easting | min northing | max northing |
DEVCO meters | -21513.8 | 17362.3 | -14305.8 | 9713.9 |
DEVCO feet | -70583.3 | 56963.0 | -46935.1 | 31869.8 |
MTM Z 4 ATS77 | 4587661.0 | 4626811.3 | 5110295.0 | 5132850.9 |
UTM WGS84 | 20T703102.7 | 20T742579.0 | 5111730.5 | 5134171.0 |
MTM Z 4 NAD83 | 4587664.6 | 4626814.9 | 5110300.7 | 5132856.8 |
All values rounded up to nearest decimeter or decifeet.
© Christian Wolkersdorfer 2010