DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Workshop |
Veranstaltungsort und Zeitplan
Tel: 035052/20674 |
Monday, June 14, 1999
8:30 - 9:00 Opening of the Seminar Tuesday, June 15, 1999 8:30 - 10:00 Groundwater modeling - fundamentals (PM) Wednesday, June 16, 1999 8:30 - 10:00 Demonstration of FLOWPC (PM) |
Thursday, June 17, 1999
8:30 - 10:00 Surface waters (KR) Friday, June 18, 1999 8:30 - 10:00 Hydro-climatic changes (KR) |
AS: Dr. A. SCHWANDT; KR: Prof. K. ROZANSKI (Poland); LA: Prof. L. ARAGUAS (Spanien); MG: Prof. M. GEYH (Hannover); PM: Prof. P. MALOSZEWSKI (München); WS: Prof. W. STOLZ (Freiberg)
I. Dr. Luis Araguás (CEDEX, Madrid, Spain)
A. Water chemistry – fundamentals
Major and trace elements as tracers of water. Geochemical processes. Geochemical evolution along flow paths. Mass balance approach in geochemical modelling: NETPATH.Integration of chemical and isotope data. Carbon-14 “age” estimation of groundwater: geochemical corrections. Presentation of AquaChem software.
B. Unsaturated zone
From precipitation to runoff: Information provided by isotope and geochemical tools. Evaluation of recharge processes and recharge rates: Environmental isotope methods. Transport in the unsaturated zone: Artificial tracing of water and solutes. Soil column experiments. Diffuse groundwater discharge: Estimation of discharge rates by using environmental isotopes.Water and solutes in the unsaturated zone as paleoclimatic archives.
Field examples:
C. Case studies
D. Possibilities and limitations of NETHPATH code
Use of NETPATH code: DBPGM and NETPTH modules. Chemical and isotope constraints, mineral and gaseous phases present in the system, mixing of water bodies, Rayleigh processes
II. Prof. Mebus Geyh (NLfB, Hannover)
„Die Isotopenhydrologie in der Praxis“
III. Prof. Piotr Maloszewski (GSF, Munich)
Theory of lumped-parameter models (tracer input-output relation, convolution integral, weighing function); transit time distribution functions (forms, parameters, properties); applicability of Black Box Model (BBM) approach to typical hydrogeological situations ; interpreting environmental tracer data using BBM; comparison of BBM approach with numerical modelling of water flow and mass-transport.
C. Presentation of FLOWPC computer code
User-friendly computer code (PC-version) – application of Black Box Models for the interpretation of environmental tracer data (preparation of input and output files, running the programme).
IV. Prof. Kazimierz Rozanski (DEF-UMM, Krakow. Poland)
Stable isotopes – fundamentals
Fundamentals of isotope fractionation. Processes effecting isotopic composition of rainfall: fractionation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in phase changes (equilibrium, kinetic). Rayleigh process. Isotopic variability of meteoric waters (atmospheric water vapour and precipitation) in space and time: the IAEA/WMO network for isotopes in precipitation. Relationship between isotopic composition of rainfall and temperature of formation. Latitude effect. Amount effect. Altitude effect. Continental effect. Relationship between d2H and d18O, deuterium excess. In-storm variability. Seasonal effect.
Surface waters
Isotopes in lake studies - principles, types of problems addressed. Water balance of lakes with stable isotopes. Lake water-groundwater interaction. Isotopic composition of runoff: relationship with precipitation and groundwater (hydrograph separation). Use of Tritium/Helium-3 and Freons in studies of lake dynamics.
Isotope composition of precipitation and climate. Reconstruction of past climatic and environmental changes from isotopic archives - isotope transfer functions. Dating tools. Continental archives of isotopic data related to past climate: ice cores, old groundwaters, speleothems, lake sediments.
Dr. A. Schwandt (Erfurt)
Wasser- und Salzlösungszuflüsse im Bergbau
Bedeutung und Einfluss der Zuflüsse in Bergbau -Tiefbau. Zuflussarten: offenes/geschlossenes System. Chemische Zusammensetzung der Zuflüsse. Untersuchungsmethoden der Zuflüsse. Prognose der Zuflussentwicklung.
VI. Prof. W. Stolz
Radioactive isotopes – fundamentals
Letzte Aktualisierung 26.5.99
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